Sumo became the proud finalist of the PwC Company of the Year 2023 competition in the Pardubice Region

Also this year we participated in the company of the year 2023 competition in the Pardubice Region. A competition that celebrates exceptional achievements in entrepreneurship and innovation every year. The expert jury is headed by the editor-in-chief of Hospodské noviny, representative Volkswagen auto, managing partner MONETA Self-employed person of the year 2023 and PwC Company of the year 2023.

We are pleased to announce that our company S U M O s.r.o. became one of the ten proud finalists of this prestigious competition. We thank the entire team for their great work and look forward to further successes.

stažený soubor
This seriously

worth noting

Projekt číslo 0380000695 byl financován Evropskou unií
„Podpora kreativity ve společnosti SUMO s.r.o.“ – Marketingová strategie a webdesign firemních webových stránek.