high voltage

This is
how we do it

High Voltage in Industry

We offer high voltage as part of turnkey deliveries within investment projects or just as a stand-alone solution. We focus primarily on high voltage in industrial areas (power engineering, chemical industry, water management) up to 35 kV.

You get comprehensive and professional services

We have many years of experience in the field

We use modern tools and equipment

We will provide you with follow-up service and maintenance

We employ experienced professionals

We have several assembly groups led by experienced chief fitters with many years of experience in the field.

We carry out HV installations

Even a rocker can be

Adjustment of supply fields

  • Addition of equipment - instrument transformers

  • Tripping elements

  • Connection to the main HV switchboard

  • Protections and controls (LV)

  • Commercial / check measurement

  • Communication with the Control System

Main HV switchboards

  • Delivery (ABB, Schneider Electric)

  • Assembly

  • HV and LV connections (control and signalling)

  • Commissioning

  • Testing including protections

  • Communication with the Control System

HV station-service switchboards

  • Delivery and installation (ABB, Schneider Electric)

  • Assembly

  • HV and LV connections (control and signalling)

  • Commissioning

  • Primary testing of protection devices

  • Communication with the Control System

HV protection devices

  • Delivery and installation

  • Setting and tests of protection devices

  • Communication with the Control System

Power transformers up to 10MVA HV/LV

  • Delivery including transport (DAP) and positioning

  • Connections (cooling, control, protection, signalling)

  • Commissioning

Distribution transformers

  • Supply

  • Positioning

  • Wiring

  • Commissioning

Standby automatic machines

  • Delivery and installation

  • Setup and testing

additional services

  • Refurbishment and completion of existing vaults

  • HV cabling

  • HV terminals

  • Voltage tests



When we succeed, we like to brag

We have successfully implemented over 6,000 projects in the energy sector, chemical industry, water management and other industries.


Blog title heading will go here

Bioplynová stanice Kněžice

Výměna řídícího systému – BPS Kněžice

Žihle Biogas Station

Replacement of the control system — BPS Žihle


Wastewater reception BČOV Pardubice

Vysoké Mýto

Recycling - metové oda.s - Car wrecker tearing machine

Village Lužany

Lužany — Intensification and capacitation of wastewater treatment plants

I want assembly

In the report, specify your request in as much detail as possible so that we can help you in the best possible way.

Děkujeme. Zpráva byla úspěšně odeslaná.
Něco se pokazilo. Zkontrolujte všechna vyplněná pole a odeslání opakujte.

what will happen if you ask us

1. First contact

You leave us your contact information, the assignment, including the documents for the request, and we will get back to you.

2. Personal meeting

We will arrange a face-to-face meeting where we will discuss the issue together.

3. Offer

We will create an offer on the basis of negotiations, inspection of the implementation site and documents.

4. Acceptance of the offer

We will agree on possible cooperation or discuss our offer further.

Projekt číslo 0380000695 byl financován Evropskou unií
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